To the members of IBEW569,
For over 40 years, the proud tradition of Fourth of July fireworks off of the Ocean Beach Fishing Pier drew tens of thousands of spectators every Independence Day.
Because of structural issues with the pier, the fireworks celebration ended in 2018. In addition, increasing pressure in recent years to acknowledge the environmental problems caused by fireworks, as well as the adverse psychological effects fireworks have on our pets and individuals with PTSD. A change was needed.
LUMINOSITY is the community of Ocean Beach’s effort to reimagine their annual Fourth of July Fireworks with an innovative new drone light show and festival of light.
Now, many of the community’s long-time activists have banded together to move forward with a progressive vision of what LUMINOSITY could be. A vision where we; IMAGINE THE POSSIBILITIES.
The possible collaboration with IBEW569 is a great fit. Of course, there’s the obvious light and electric connection, but more importantly, the shared sense of community striving for positive change.
Thank you for taking a moment to consider supporting LUMINOSITY and Ocean Beach.
Mike James
Founder and Co-chair
Article originally published in 2019 in the OB Rag
Point Loma Ocean Beach Monthly – August 2022
Peninsula Beacon – August 2022
Peninsula Beacon – January 2023